Maven: Dependency:tree hangs for Spring Boot project

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Problem with mvn dependency:tree and Spring Boot.

The dependecy:tree parameter for Maven is usefull to get more information about the dependencies in Maven projects. Especially with the verbose parameter:

mvn depdendency:tree -Dverbose

This works for all my projects, however it hangs in conjunction with my Spring Boot project.

Stackoverflow has some information about this issue.

This is happening when we use maven-dependency-plugin:3.2.0 version. I tested with version 3.1.2 and the dependency tree is built quickly as usual. BTW.. spring-boot-dependencies >= 2.6.0 are using maven-dependency-plugin:3.2.0 so beware.

So far I was not able so solve this problem. This blog post will be updated, if I find anything out.


The problem seems to be the maven-dependency-plugin:3.2.0, in version 3.3.0 the problem is fixed. I added the following to the pom.xml:


Now the command is working.

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