Lets say the following method is called by a thread and should display the received data in the UI:
public void ParseData(string data)
textBoxLog.Text = buffer.ToString();
textBoxLog.SelectionStart = textBoxLog.Text.Length;
This example will throw an exception, as the thread cannot modify information on the UI thread.
The solution is to define a delegate and a method:
public delegate void SetLog();
private void SetLog_R()
textBoxLog.Text = buffer.ToString();
textBoxLog.SelectionStart = textBoxLog.Text.Length;
In the original method, we instantiate the delegate and invoke the delegate von the UI element:
public void ParseData(string data)
SetLog sl = new SetLog(SetLog_R);
Thats it.
You can also use parameters:
private delegate void AddItemDelegate(ListViewItem item);
private void AddItem(ListViewItem item)
listEvents.Items.Insert(0, item);
The call of the delegate:
AddItemDelegate dg = new AddItemDelegate(AddItem);
listEvents.Invoke(dg, item);